About Us

We are artists devoted to helping provide meals to those who need it, through our quirky, fun food illustrations.

iPad and Donut Illustration

Where it all began…

Illustreat all started with an illustration of a donut and the simple idea to create illustrations based on the foods we eat, with a humorous twist. After gaining popularity with our punny food illustrations we figured why not create products that feature these illustrations. So… Welcome to Illustreat! Take a look around, be inspired, enjoy a laugh and most importantly, have some fun. We know, we will.

Drawing Utensil Illustration

About the illustrations…

We were always told to never play with our food…so we play with our words. Our illustrations always start with a funny pun or play on words and pencil sketches. We then finalize our illustrations digitally to bring them to life. We strive to make every illustration: original, unique and smile-worthy.

Food Collage Illustration

But why food?

We chose food because it’s relatable and it brings people together. Food also represents how we hope to make a positive impact for those who need it. Our goal is to be able to provide meals to people in need through organizations aimed at feeding the hungry.

Grocery Bag Illustration

How we're giving back

Coming soon! We wanted to do our part to help out with an organization devoted to fighting hunger. That's why a portion of every sale on Illustreat.com will be donated to Feeding America®. The Feeding America network is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, working to connect people with food and end hunger.